To get a beatuiful and aesthetical appearance of your skin, you need to have healthy, smooth and tight skin. Face area needs an essential care because of mostly being exposed to outside effects.
With botox, wrinkles and lines on skin can be eliminated. Its effect duration is about 4-6 months.
One of the common dermatologic techniques is dermal fillers made with hyaluronic acid based substances.
Trombocytes are used in this therapy to rejuvenate your skin.
Dermaroller is preferred on summer, also can be made on winter. This treatmet can be used for many spots on your skin.
With dermapen therapy micro canals are made on skin. 90 degree pinning is a very safe one because of causing less epidermal damage.
Acne blemishes, skin damages by sun and aging are common problems on our skin. To get rid of these damages, peeling is one of the treatments.
Mesotherapy is a treatment with very thin and short needles (4-6 mm).
For innate spots or spots of other resaons have many kind of treatments.
Hair loss is a very common disease. It can also occur some psychological or physical problems.
Hair transplantation is the way to gain hairs back naturally and permanently. Since hairs for transplantation are taken from the patient and transplanted only the needed area, it gains hairs back alike never lost.
Some environmental factors such as time and gravity can cause some loose areas in your body. The last geneartion system, Micro & Micro Focus Ultrasound System is a confidential and effective system for tightening face or other areas of the body, eyebrow lifting, double chin firming or contour for some areas.